How to Start a Liquor Store and Get Your Liquor License in Houston, TX
There are many steps to follow while opening any kind of business. When that enterprise is closely regulated, such as the sale of alcohol, there are even more requirements and details to consider. Our team at Texas Alcohol Consulting has provided this article to look at what you need to know about starting a liquor store and how to get a liquor license in Houston, TX.
Once you’ve formed your business entity and got that aspect fully well in hand, obtaining a liquor license is the critical step. It’s imperative that you have all required certifications and permits in place before opening your doors. You will need to apply to your city, county, and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) for a license that gives your company the privilege to sell alcohol as you have planned. Retailer permits vary between $1,800 and $1,900 depending on which one you qualify for, and they need to be renewed every two years.
In addition to doing the aforementioned paperwork, you will also need to post a 60-day sign if you are an existing retailer looking to obtain a new alcohol license or permit. This sign will notify the public of your intention to become an alcohol retailer.
For assistance with your application or if you require additional information, you can contact us at Texas Alcohol Consulting.