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Types of Retail Beer Permits in Texas

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission was created in 1935 to regulate all phases of the alcoholic beverage industry. A TABC license or permit is required for sales, taxes, manufacturing, importing, distributing, and advertising of alcoholic beverages. Here is an overview of the retail beer permits in Texas.

BE Retail dealer's on premise license: Allows the selling of beer consumed on or off the premises. The beer must be in a legal container and is not for resale.

BF Retail dealer's off premise license: Permits the sale of beer to the consumer and the container may not be opened on or near the establishment.

BG Wine and beer retailer's permit: Covers the sale of beer, ale, malt liquor and wine consumed on or off the premises containing up to 14 percent or 17 percent alcohol determined by local law. Also allows port or sherry containing no more than 24 percent.

BQ Wine and beer retailers off premise permit: Authorizes direct sale of beer, ale, malt liquor and wine with more than .5 percent and not more than 14 percent or 17 percent of alcohol

MB Mixed beverage permit: Allows the sale of mixed beverages, wine, beer, ale and malt liquor for consumption on the premises.

P Package store permit: Covers the sale of liquor, malt and vinous liquors for consuming off the premises.

PS Package store tasting permit: Authorizes product tasting of distilled spirits, wine, beer and malt-based or spirit-based coolers at a package store.

RM Mixed beverage in restaurant permit with Food and Beverage Certificate: Allows restaurants to sell beer, wine, ale, malt liquor and mixed drinks to be consumed at that location.

V Wine and beer retailer's permit for excursion boats: Permits selling beer and wine up to 14 percent or 17 percent depending on local law to be consumed on the boat.

Y Wine and beer retailer's permit for railroad dining, buffet or club cars: Covers beer and wine sales up to 14 percent or 17 percent depending on local law to be consumed on the train cars mentioned.

If you’re looking for more information on how to receive your TABC license, contact TexasAlcoholConsulting.com today!